Archive | September, 2014

Hit the Reset button!

30 Sep

I find it helpful to start each day by re-defining who I am.  This is really a re-affirmation of who I believe I want to be, and helps me to strive to make it happen again today.

Today I want to be aware that I am not in control of the universe.  I might need help today to survive.  That help may even come from a power greater than me.  I will pray and meditate today.  I will strive to be a benefit today to mankind.

If I don’t start the day this way I am more apt to fall into old bad habits and selfish motives that lead me to be someone that I don’t particularly admire.

So, I find it helpful to hit the reset button every morning when I wake up.  I roll off my bed onto the floor.  Say a few prayers about who I want to be, and then meditate for 5 minutes.  I use a timer on my phone to help me out with a friendly chime at 5 minutes.  It is amazing how helpful this is in setting myself on the right track spiritually and emotionally for the day.

Reset Button Pic

Thanks for reading, feel free to add your own thoughts in the comments below.    

Richard C.