Tag Archives: family

Seek Challenge

24 Oct

Image by julie.froo via Flickr

What new challenge will today bring?

Challenges can:

  • cause fear – maybe it is something you are not looking forward to that is ahead.
  • bring excitement – a golf game perhaps, or that fishing trip
  • create progress – perhaps building something, or managing people (even a family)
  • cause growth – such as working out builds muscle later when you are resting
Yes challenges can be stressful, but stress is not bad, distress is bad, and a good challenge will almost always cause growth.  Getting out of bed can be considered a very simple challenge, but I swear it will cause you to grow!

Why seek a challenge?

  • There can be simple pleasure involved even in easy challenges such as taking a shower.
  • There can be enormous pleasure in accomplishing a big task.
  • Seeking a challenge is better than the opposite – hiding!

So get out there today and make a difference!